Thursday, July 31, 2008

Julia (London Wiz) was having dinner with her 82 year old Mom. Mom watched my BBC morning show interview and asked whether this might prompt some wiser producers to try bringing my show back to England. She asked my age. Julia told her.
"Oh!" she replied. "Well he'd better get on with it !" Thank you Ms Crammer. With that in mind this theatre is for you.

----------------Two Old Guys on a Bench------------------------
Two old guys are sitting alone on a park bench. Nothing is said for a long time and one starts to leave. It takes him a very long time to get up and reach a standing position. Even longer to get in position to actually leave. When he finally does
the other one says........

"So where ya' runnin'"

Paul Kreppel - old guy number two
Jay Johnson - old guy number one

Murphy Cross - Director
Sandi Johnson - Assistant Director
Filmed on Location, Dolphin Square, Pimlico, UK

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