Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Birthday Thoughts

A poem for those of us  with
Birthday’s Today and
who are manic/depressive bipolars. 

It’s my Birthday, 
Happy Birthday to me,
I am as happy as can be,
A happier man nowhere exists,
I think I’ll go and slash my wrists. 

Just a reminder that depression has no logical reason behind it.  It is neither normal sadness nor confusion. You can’t just “Get over it” if someone tells you too. In today’s world the very President of the United States sows ideas of fear and intolerance into the fabric of everyday life, so depression has a  universal echo chamber.   
Be aware of the signs for depression in yourself and in those you know.  
If they apply to your life, get help from professionals, just like you would if depression was the common cold.  
Enjoy 7/11
As you were,