Monday, July 28, 2008

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Here then is a 3,000 word blog.

For your consideration....

"A complete love story in three frames.
Courtship, romance and divorce."

Thanks to my Sister-in-law and family shrink, Joyce, for these pictures. 

I have never told Joyce how comfortable I feel knowing we have a Dr. specializing in "multiple personality disorder" available at family reunions now.  Joyce you have always been very nice to me, and most of the time I know you are not merely doing research. Here is to you sister/sister. Thanks for coming into our family.

Love ya, not more than me, yes I do, no you don't, you stay out of this... 

As you were,

1 comment:

Roomie said...

I'm not sure but I think that I may have to come out there and "slap some sense into you?" Are we mis-reading your blogs or is there an air of cynicism in your writing these days? You have every right to be angry and all that goes along with it. You have a wonderful wife and family and friends that love you all over the world and a show that will be "on the boards" again soon. Now "shape up" or "ship out"..a pun there. Oops, my eight minutes on the pc for the day are almost up and I wanted to spend them with you and tell you we love you and give yourself "a kick in the seat of the pants," "pull up your boot straps," or whatever it takes to "rise above this funk" I am reading into.....uh oh, my time is
Carry on......u....p....
L..o...l...taot..b & t..a..op