Monday, September 07, 2009

Correction For Mr. Bergen
I am not sure how many times I have done "The Two and Only" now but quite a few. At one point in the show I say that Edgar Bergen was on the radio for 13 years. It has been a line in the show from the very beginning, and it is wrong. Bergen was on the radio for 19 years. The problem with my math stems from the fact that he was on two different networks and had two different sponsors. I was only counting the Chase and Sanborn show on NBC that ran for 13 years. Mr. Bergen had another run of 6 years on CBS with Coca Cola as the sponsor. By any standards the career of Edgar Bergen was amazing.

It was Lisa Sweasy and Annie Roberts (pictured above)who corrected the error in my show. They are both former curators of Vent Haven Museum and experts on the facts and figures. (Figures is a definite pun that only a true ventrogeek will get). Lisa and Annie made a special trip to Dennis to see my show Saturday night at the Cape Playhouse. They weren't sure exactly how many years Bergen was on the radio but 13 just didn't sound like enough, and they were right. When we googled Mr. Bergen we discovered where I had gone wrong.

This is my shout out to Lisa and Annie for making the trip to see the show and for the wonderful Labor Day picnic we shared at the "star house". Who knew that Paul Kreppel is not only a great actor and director but excellent charcoal grill master.

I am reminded of one of my favorite quotes. "Time spent in laughter is time spent with the Gods".
It was a "heavenly" day off. Thank you my friends.
As you were,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jay for a fantastic Labor Day weekend! I'll fly to Cape Cod to go on beer run with you any time! ha ha! Well, as long as Paul is grilling. Murphy has to be there too. What a treat! Annie