Saturday, September 27, 2008

Chain E-Letters
What does it say about a writer when he forgets if he's written a rant about a certain subject before? It's a retorical question, but then it's a retorical blog. I may have "gone off" on this subject before, but since it keeps happening, it keeps upsetting me.

I just got another one today. One of those chain-letter emails and I must pass it on or incur "16 years of bad luck if you do not forward."

Are you kidding me? If I forward this crap to others who have the same hostile reaction I did, I may have good luck but no friends. I am not looking forward to 16 years of bad luck, but I opt for the friendship instead. I figure you need lots of friends if you are going to be down on your luck for a decade and a half.

There is an up side to passing on this mystical document. It seems that I can incur good luck based upon the number of people I am willing to piss off.

The letter states it this way:
1-3 people= 1 minute of luck
4-7 people= 1 hour of luck
8-12 people = 1 day of luck
13-17 People = 1 week of luck
18-22 people = 1 month of luck
23-27 people = 3 Months of luck
28-32 people = 7 months of luck
33-37 people = 1 year of luck

This is a bad deal. I am trading 16 years of bad luck for a maximum of one year of good luck if I annoy at least 33 people. This sounds like governmental math for the money market. I notice that these annoying letters never come from a people I would call friends. My friends know I don't like chain letters of any kind and don't send them to me. These are just people who happen to have my email address on file and are using me to accumulate good luck. Stop it. Stop it now. I don't like to be used. These messages are a waste of electrons on the Internet. It dumbs down the population and encourages people to believe that sending email affects your fortune, your luck or your future. In fact I send 20 years of bad luck to anyone who sends me a chain email. You can't just use me as a tool and think you're safe.

Here is a message to all my friends and those people in my email files. "I am taking the bullet for you." I'm not sending this piece of crap on to you. I will never forward a piece of junk to you. I will take the 16 years of bad luck just to keep you safe. You don't have to worry about chain letters coming from me. That's right I am doing it for you. Don't thank me, send money because if this thing is true I am in for some bad days ahead.

As you were,

Monday - "The Bergen Trunk"


Bob Conrad said...

Hear!, Hear! I am with you 100%
And don't send them to me either, because I always break the chain.

Anonymous said...

I JUST deleted one that promised me bad luck in 6 minutes...from someone I was best friends within 2nd grade, and I have not spoken to or seen since then (she moved in 3rd grade, and found me online) After deleting, i read your rant and had a big ol' laugh -- 3 minutes and counting. bring it on. xxeleanor