I have been watching a lot of History channel recently. I used to call it the Hitler Channel because it seemed all they did were stories on Hitler for a time . Now they are doing end of the world pro
I'm not sure I believe that the world is a spiritual time bomb set to go off at a certain time that only old French poets can discern. However, I would be willing to believe in the rapture if the first one to vanish from the planet would be Pat Robertson.
Pat once again shows that, in the name of religion, he trades compassion for judgment when he says that the Hatia earthquake was punishment for an 1840 pack the early founders made with the devil. Really Pat? You can say that in 2010 with a straight face?
There is supposed to be a thousand years of peace and harmony on the earth after the Rapture. Could there be a connection between peace and the fact that people like Pat Robertson, Ralph Reed, Sarah Palin and James Dobson will be taken away already?
I am not a religious scholar and don't pretend to be. However, based upon what I see of television religion they seem to always be asking for money. Evidently you can buy your way past the gates of judgment for the right donation. With the double speak of the devil himself Pat Robertson asks for donations offering freedom from judgment while he judges plate tectonics to be the work of the devil. One more time, Really Pat?
Having lived through a 6.7 earthquake in a house that was built to a code to withstand a quake my heart goes out to the people of Hatia. If my Rector scale is correct a 7.0 is 30 times more powerful than the 6.7. I don't see how it helps to call them devil worshipers. It isn't very Christian, or Muslim or Jewish or Hindu or Buddhist it's just plain wrong. The least we can do is give them a kind thought if nothing else.
As you were,
As a Christian, please allow me to apologize for people like Pat Robertson.
My home church is Salvation Army, and as we were already in Haiti, we were one of the first to respond to the tragedy.
Please be assured people like him do not speak for all Christians.
I think it's HAITI.
But with robertson, it's just HATE.
love the blog...
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