In my post entitled "Jimmy and Sammy" on July 31 there is a correction to be made. On that date one of the paragraphs read:
"Sammy did his last show with Francisco Saturday night at the convention. On stage after the performance donated Francisco to the Museum where he will take up a position of silent spokesman to an act Sammy has done 2500 times in his life."
A day later I received this email from Sammy:
"Thanks so much for the kind words and thoughts. HOWEVER..... make that 25,000 performances, not 2500, in my lifetime. "
That number has now been corrected in the original for people who research old posts.
Although to a dyslexic like myself 2500 and 25,000 would appear to be the same... there is obviously a vast difference. I certainly did not want to slight the impressive career of one of my favorite performers.
And as it turns out Sammy King does read this blog....
On a similar note, Sammy sent me a picture taken at the convention. It is of Brad Cummings, Jimmy Nelson, Jeff Dunham and Sammy. Seen below:
He said... "I wished you had been in that picture too."

Thanks for the email Sammy.
As you were,
that photo gave me the best laugh I've had in days...
Can I get an 8 by 10 of that. It's a picture of all my hero's
I'll bet you Photo Shopped on your Mac, as do I.
I was at the Vent Haven ConVENTion.
Your Two and Only was a One and only, you were
fantastic, and the next day you got to sit in the
audience with your neighbor Jeff Dunham.
How cool is that ?
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