Does this sound right?
28-year-old county health inspector attends a potluck Christmas luncheon at the
IR center in San Bernardino, CA. Small talk about work turns into a darker
conversation. This civil social interaction turns ugly. The health inspector
takes some remark made in passing personally and storms out of the luncheon.

was a quick luncheon, Dear."
infidels all of them. Honey is my black ski mask and cammo outfit back from the
Just picked the cleaning up yesterday."
about your mask and outfit?"
honey, you know I always have my mass shooting outfit ready to go."
Now what else do we need? Grab a couple of our AK 47s, we'll need some pipe
bombs from the garage and don't forget our matching Glock 9mm's. They go so
well with the cammo outfit. Oh, did you replace the ammo supplies?"
did, Honey. We have 1600 rounds for the AK's and about 900 rounds for the 9mm.
Should I wear my suicide vest?"
definitely not. It makes your ass look bigger. Let me see your Jihadi
face." The inspector inspects the radical face his wife is trying to make.
"That's not scary at all, Honey. Just don't take off the ski
mask, okay? How quick can you be ready for a fatwa?"
"Only a few minutes. What about the baby?"
I forgot all about the kid. Can we get a babysitter this quick?"
impossible, the baby sitter is in school."
baby will just have to fend for herself. Get in the car. We need to get back to
that party before they get to Sally's desert. Last year no one hung around very
long after that cake was gone."
Honey, let's rumble."
couple dressed in their finest urban combat attire return to the party and open
fire with their matching automatic weapons. In a short moment of chaos
and rage 14 people are dead and 21 wounded. Seven hours later the Inspector and
his wife are spotted driving the black SUV and after a 1000 round shoot out
with police, they are dead.
almost ten hours of non-stop television the same five-minute story is told. The
police play the events very close to the vest. As if we were playing
Zombie Apocalypse instead of watching the news, the scenes of well-trained
SWATT teams from all over the area demonstrate their well practiced maneuvers. The action is
punctuated with participation from the County Sheriff's office, Police from
several surrounding cities and their own SWATT teams, the FBI, ATF and Homeland
security. The FBI won't rule out terrorism. The ATF won't rule out illegal
guns, the
police won't rule out employee rage and Homeland Security won't rule
out anything. Finally the identity of the shooters is released and the
inspector, born in the United States, has an Islamic name. The Muslim community
goes into Community outreach mode, condemning the shootings.
another mass shooting made in America. We have grown accustomed to the
"disgruntle" employee who chooses to register a complaint with his boss
using a long gun. However, for the mentally unstable employee to have access to
a cache of bombs, fire arms, assault weapons, combat wardrobe and a wife willing
to aid in an armed assault, makes this event unique. The fact that they
both have Muslim sounding names.... well, that just high jacks the discussion
from gun control to "immigration control". Look for Mr. Trump
to double down on his notion of registering all Muslims and spying on Mosques
the next chance he gets.
ask again, does this sound right? No! When 31 people are either severely
wounded or killed just because they attended a potluck Holiday luncheon, that
is not nor will it ever be, right.
the alarm has gone off loud and clear but we have punched snooze on this gun
issue for decades. It is time to get up and at least try to keep this
sort of thing from ever happening again.
you were,
I was going to say something here, Jay, lord, man...what can one say?
Listening to the new speaker of the house this morning when asked about a law just to keep those on the terror watch list from buying assault rifles. Well apparently this would keep the new speaker from sleeping at night knowing that the handful of people that accidentally wind up on the list couldn't go and arm themselves to the teeth at a moments notice.
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