Monday, March 11, 2013

Not the way I imagined it...

I'm not sure if the romantic notions I have of my life lives up to the reality very often. Like right now. I thought it would be a great idea to come up to the Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf to write my blog. It just seemed like the very thing I needed to add a dramatic kick start to my week. However, the reality is far different than the episode I imagined in my mind. It's the little details that I left out of my fantasy.
Most importantly, I did not imagine all these other people in my dream. People are coming and going, ordering coffee and pastries treating this writing carol of mine like some common, retail establishment. Some of the patrons have even brought with them their preschool kids. How can a serious writer concentrate with all this noise going on. Who are all these people and why aren't they writing?
In my version of this scene there is light classical music playing in a reverent and respectfully quiet environment. In reality there is a sound that the expresso machine makes which sounds like a steam engine coming into Victoria station and an 80's cover band music is playing on a repetitious muzak system. Who can write anything, tied to a railroad track trying to avoid acknowledging that I recognize a Barry Manilow song.
I should have stayed at home convinced that I would have so much more success concentrating at the Bean. But then what would I write about? The idea of writing about something that keeps me from writing is better than not being able to write at all. The fact is that you just can't force it out, at least I can't. Whatever creativity is, it has it's own temporal unfoldment and is not to be artificially forced. I can't schedule when an idea will come, and even then can't know if it will go anywhere until it is done.
So, I'll just sit here until that perfect article comes. I'll let you know when I go something.
As you were,


JCJohnsong said...

Enjoyable post ... when I was in college my English teacher (not a creative writing course just a basic plain old first year English course) ... he had us all do 5 minutes of what he called 'free writing'... you couldn't stop writing just because you couldn't think of anything you had to write non-stop for the FULL five minutes ... describe what you see, what you fell, what other people are doing or saying or just write about how you cannot think of anything just keep the writing going none stop.
Great writing exercise by itself ... BUT ... he told us we were on the honor system we had to do it but he wasn't going to collect them and grade them ... they were for our own benefit and we would be the losers if we didn't do it.
Well what did he do but at the end of the term tell us all he lied and he was collecting our free writing and it was going to be part of our final grade.
I had done the assignment for a couple of weeks religiously and then less and less because it wasn't going to be graded or checked so why not get lazy about it.
I had a 1 hour train ride into and home from college everyday so I just wrote non stop on the train for several days till I had enough. If you think doing 5 minutes of free writing makes you a better writer try ONE Hour!!!
And the whenever I get writers block I just hope on a train to nowhere and the words just flow out of me.
(although I'm writing this during Covid19 lockdown so nobody's taking trains these days too dangerous ... empty parking lots at every train station... hey maybe this is the BEST time to take a train ride)

JCJohnsong said...

I didn't mention we had to write 5 minutes each and every day ... that was the assignment...