Monday, June 14, 2010

That's INTERtainment
The Two and Only is going well at The Laguna Playhouse.  One more week-end.  I tend to fall in love with theatres quickly and this one is no exception. The crew, the staff and everyone associated with the theatre is wonderful.  I love being there and I will be sad to close. I think Andrew Barnacle, the artistic director is still speaking to me even after I called his beautiful theatre the Pasadena Playhouse opening night.  I was immediately corrected on stage by Arthur Drew.

The show is in the capable hands of John Ivy, the PSM, LD, Sound designer, musician and techno geek. I have known John for six years.  He has been an integrial part of The Two and Only since it began in New York.  Even knowing many of his talents it was not until this production of The Two and Only that I became aware that he is also an animator. Here is a link to the New York Times on line which featured and article on his animation.

I refer to my show as TAO with no apologies for the intentional connection to the spiritual.  The Chinese word "Tao"  translates as the "way" or "path" but has become symbolic of a principle  or philosophy of life.  Tao  refers to the force  and intelligence of the universe which can't even be expressed in words.  I'm not sure I know that much about the actual philosophy of Taoism, but I grasp it on a level of spiritual familiarity.

My TAO (my show) has always been a spiritual journey for me, a way and a path. It is my Tao of Art. My greatest task is to observe the process on a higher level than just the physical construction of an evening's performance.  The more I can become the observer and less the observed the more Tao is expressed. As greater Tao is expressed higher awareness  creates more clarified returns of more Tao.  The beautiful ideas and exceptional people this play/performance attracts is a blessing beyond worth.  The Tao attracts art and artists who are drawn to that spiritual frequency. It  would be a spiritual mistake not to observe the unfolding of these beautiful people and ideas.   What a joy to  be the conduit of that spiritual vibration.

The Tony Awards Show was last night. It is a very interesting perspective watching  the show having actually been there and done that.  Every time the presenters would come to the microphone on stage right Sandi and I would turn to each other and say, "That's our side."  It was at that microphone  I received my Tony and gave my remarks and we sat five rows from that spot.  The entire show kept triggering such wonderful memories. I walked into the living room and gave my Tony a spin on its base just to remember it all again.

I thought the Tony Awards show was  good.  Lots of great  numbers and plays that made me want to spend a month in New York City to catch up. During the telecast a presenter pointed out that the Tony goes to performers who perform 8 times a week, and not for just moments in media.  This makes it a special "performers award". There is a difference in performing live from any other type of entertainment. There is possibly no greater  challenge to a performer than performing in live theatre. I have to face it, my drug of choice is theatre, performing live for a live audience.  Live, happening in the moment... a moment that will never be duplicated  in eternity. A moment in time when an audience is laughing, thinking or sobbing together as one. It is that moment of observing Tao.
As you were,


Bob Conrad said...

I am with you Jay, there is nothing to equal those magic moments when you hold that live audience in the palm of your hand.

John Ivy said...
