Thursday, March 11, 2010

The Wrong Audience...again...
In New York as I am coming out of my hotel room a housekeeping supervisor with a clip board is finishing the inspection of a room next door. She is very pleasant as we both head to the elevator. She says to me, with business like efficiency, "How did you find your room?"

I say, "Oh, I just turned right at the hallway and there it was on the left." She looked at me with an expression I have come to know all too well when I ply my comic talents in social situations. It was the blank stare of disconnect.

"So, there were enough towels?" she said, in the same business like manner. I knew she didn't get it. Not wanting to make the same mistake I did with the desk clerk on the ship trying to explain Polaroid cameras.... I decided to come clean.

I wait until we are in the elevator and the courtesy silence settles in to say... "You know that was my attempt at a joke... You said how did you find your room and I said I found it right there around the corner on the left.... (Pause) ... how did I *find* my room... (beat)."

In a monotone voice and a dead-pan-Buster Keaton-esque-look she says, "Oh...I see... (thinking it over... but not laughing)... funny."

Without a further word, she got off the elevator at the next floor, . I continued my decent measured in more ways than just floors. By the time I reach the bottom, physically and emotionally, I have applied the comics golden rule in these situations. I convince myself it is not the fault of the joke or the way it was delivered..... it was the wrong audience.

As you were,


Bob Conrad said...

Steve Allen used to say, I'm too hip for the crowd".

Anonymous said...

In cases like that, I always imagine a studio audience.
That way, when your target's not looking, you wink knowingly at the studio audience.

-Philip G.

Roomie said...

Mandy couldn't say what she and I wanted to say about your Tuesday post since the blog seems to have another life of its own, so we will save it for your eyes/ears're such a "social butterfly" that we thought we ought to tell you that I will be in NYC from 4/15-25 just in case you should drop would be nice to see you or better still for you to get to see I'll go and read today's blog or I will lose this post....
Carry on,

Roomie said...

Wrong audience, indeed.....and we have seen worse, wouldn't you agree?
Carry on,