Friday, November 28, 2008

The Morning After
Thankfully I am married to a lady who understands consumerism and likes to shop.  She is my ambassador to a world that I may never understand.  My lack of understanding came clear today as Macy's is advertising a sale starting at 4:00am this morning.  

Let me repeat that 4:00am. Bars are not allowed to be open for business at that time of morning.  Starbucks is not even making coffee at 4:00am morning. Most reasonable retail establishments know that 4:00am is not prime real estate for consumers.  However, for the true shopper who just can't wait until daylight to score a bargain, Macy's is here to service your addiction.  

Given my admission that I am a novice at the process I can't speak to the Macy's staff, but I generally find retail "floor walkers" (to use the 50's term) not that helpful under normal conditions.  They are usually either rude, over helpful, uninformed or just missing from the process of "shopping".  I can't imagine the attitude of this bunch at 4:00am nursing Thanksgiving hangovers without even a "triple espresso, soy, macciato with no foam" from Starbucks to take off the edge.

I know the economy is hurting and Christmas shopping is the retail mother lode, but opening at 4:00am and discounting items to ridiculous levels seems to be a lose/lose.  The cost of utilities for opening up so early, combined  paying the counter people time and a half so they can push items priced below cost sounds like an Enron idea.

Even my lovely partner is not enticed by the idea of retail savings that can only be gotten at 4:00am.  This is obviously a ploy appealing to the worst of the addicted masses. Shop-a-holics who are so desperate for a "purchase" fix they will set their alarms for the middle of the night. If this were any other type of business we would see the problem in its true light.   Suppose Hooters announced it was opening at 4:00am with a discounted happy hour, all drinks below cost.  I think we would all agree this "sale" would attract some "consumers" that really need help.  I know there are shopping addicts out there... I've seen it on an Oprah rerun. (Or was it Maurie Povich or Jerry Springer?) Pity these people who, long before the world has awaken, will have bought skirts and shirts and other clothing at entry level prices.  "The first polo shirt is free kid" cause we know you will be back for more. 

Did you hear that bang?  It is either our economy shooting itself in the head or it's the starters pistol beginning the Christmas Shopping season.  It is the cry of our selfish free market economy, spend and buy or you won't have any money to spend and buy with, which will keep you from spending and buying.  Maybe as an economy or as a country we should "make and create" rather than "buy and extend".  I have a feeling the countries loaning us the money for our $700 billion economic bail out got up at 9:00am this morning to "make and create" the items Macy's is hoping you will buy at 4:00am.  
As you were,


Linda said...

I am not joining the fray on Black Friday. I slept in today, got up around 11, made coffee and pancakes.

That was my contribution to the economy.

This year I am thinking of creative ways to celebrate the holidays. I don't know anyone that isn't affected one way or another by the economy.

Everyone says the economy is going to get worse so I've decide to make spending time with friends and family my priority rather than spending money.

So here's to spreading some joy instead of green!!

Bob Conrad said...

On the east coast, Long Island ,NY a Wall-Mart emplyee was trampeled to death buy bargin hunters as he tried to open the doors. I think that sums it up.
They say there may be a recession, I have decide not to participate.