Hello, My name is Hap-E!
The solution to all your problems

Ask your Doctor how you can get HAP-E
Side effects may include: unhappiness, depression, disgust, suicide, moodiness, melancholy, dizziness, drowsiness, blackouts, headache, backache, stomach ache, foot ache, toe ache, arm ache, leg ache, tooth ache, body ache, neuritis, neuralgia. In rare cases it has been known to cause impotence, and irreversible coma in all people over 16 years of age.
This pill should not be taken by humans . Not recommended for people under the age of 16 nor is it recommended for human consumption. Tell your Doctor if you have ever had feelings of sadness, happiness, or frustration in your life or if you have ever disagreed with anyone at any time. Tell him if you dislike the IRS or if you have ever had feelings of racism, sexism, lesbianism, plagiarism, vulgarism, astigmatism, Methodism, baptism or cynicism. This pill should not be taken before meals, after meals, during meals, while consuming a beverage, after seeing a concert, going to a movie, attending a play, driving a car, riding a bike, during sex, after sex or if you ever plan on having sex in the future and never take the prescription while relaxing or during exercise. Some people have noticed no improvement after taking Hap-E and studies show that when compared to a placebo there was no noticeable difference. Pregnant women and especially pregnant men should not take Hap-E as this may cause a temporary rash that has been linked to a deadly form of flesh eating bacteria. Never drive, operate machinery, walk, skip, jump, crawl, slither, scoot, limp, drag, do any physical activity or drink alcohol while taking Hap-E. The active ingredients in Hap-E can be used as a polish for black or brown shoes, car wax, antifreeze, heavy lubricant, lighter fluid, weed killer, growth stimulate and especially works well as a rodent deterrent. As with all medication, keep out of the reach of children.
The rule is you can advertise any drug on television as long as you list the possible side affect, and yet... we still take them.
As you were,
This is one of the reasons I watch little or no televison. The other reason is I don't watch reality shows, game shows or MTV. I used to watch variety shows, music shows andeven some entertaining talk shows. Can't find them anymore. Oh, I hate drug ads.
Mandy and I have taken this for years now....is that what the problem is with us? OMG....guess I'll have to start checking out all the side effects we've been experiencing all this time. We thought it was normal reaction to this drug...you recommended it to me years ago....You said, "You should try this and see how it improves your life?!!!! So what's normal anymore?
Carry on,
PS...Thanks for the video of the shower, but mine came without sound..is that one of the side effects of this drug???? Deafness??? Thanks so much...NOT!!!! You big DUMMY!!!
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