Saturday, November 10, 2007

The warm up shows for Dallas are over and I am really happy. I think we are in great shape for the run at the Majestic. I am looking forward to it more than I can say. I think the full creative will be there. If you didn't see the run of this show on Broadway then I hope you can see it in Dallas. It is proving to be a very magical run.

The shows at Ithaca and Indianapolis were very successful. We did them with a minimal set and in some cases the wrong lighting board but the reaction of the audience was incredible.
I am so blessed with this show. It continues to be a dream come true.

Big "D" here we come.
As you were,


Unknown said...

I attended your show at the Helen Hayes twice. I went back a third time and was chagrined that it closed earlier than planned. Still, I presume it was still considered a successful run. I adore the show. As we say at the local coney island here in Detroit (a coney island is a hotdog with chili, mustard and onions)it's "one with everything!" Your show that is. I wish you all the best on your tour. I will try to arrange a stop in Detroit at a solid theatre. But being in the theatre biz, I just don't see the sense of doing one-niters. If I was you I wouldn't accept anything less than a week's engagement...however the particular venue defines a week. Certainly no less than five shows. Your time is too valuable and your show is so clever that its reception will grow by word of mouth. Just my opinion. I have some definate ideas, beyond those expressed. I'll keep you "posted." Until the next time, your friend to be...JOSEPH

Anonymous said...


I am so excited to see your show in Dallas. I can't wait. I'm sure that all audiences in Big D will be thoroughly entertained. David W. has told me so much about the show, but I know it will be so much better live and in person. What a talent you are!!!

I am looking forward to seeing you again. We'll all reminisce about Ruston...NOT!

Have a great tour!!

Bill the Band Guy

Unknown said...

Jay, please has your booking agent/manager contact me via email so I can discuss the possibility of bringing you to the City Theatre in Detroit. JOSEPH

Dave (Lurch) Johnson said...

Jay, Look forward to seeing your show this Saturday in Dallas. It's been 35 years since Chicken and Beer Days in Dallas and Desert Fiesta. Break a leg.

Anonymous said...

OK, so the big night is over in BIG D, so where is the BLOG POST?
Have you forgotten that we look forward to your "stream of consciousness" writings after your shows....I taught you "soc."
So okay, Mandy wants to know as do I...was it and you the BIG HIT that we knew you would be???????
Let us know.
ps....I see "Lurch" Johnson is coming...Hey Lurch, David Wylie from DF...a small world. Wish we could all get together the same night...what is this chicken and beer in Dallas?

Anonymous said...

We brought the whole famdamnly last night, sat on the second row, and laughed, even cried a little, though it all. What a great talent and "thing" you have going. My 11 and 15 year old children loved the show... my husband and I loved the A.C.T.! Blessings for continued success and welcome home!

Anonymous said...


My wife and I are very excited about seeing your matinee show this Saturday at the Majestic. This will actually be the second time that I have seen you perform. Let me test your memory to see if you remember the first time. You were probably 12 or 13 years old and you still lived in Abernathy. My mother's family had all lived in Abernathy (last name Heggen). You and your parents came to my aunt and uncle's ranch house near Slaton, Texas. You put on a show for us, and it blew me away at the talent you had at such a young age.
I would be curious if you do remember this show that you did for my family at such an early age.
Thanks - John W.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jay,

I saw the show six times last year. It is one of my favorite Broadway shows.

I would like to do an interview on video with Nethernore and Darwin. Who is in charge of PR of the tour?
I would love to give you free video advertising on my site.

Corine Cohen
Big claps for you and you're adorable and clever show.