Saturday, May 15, 2010

Here is an interesting mind game.  It uses Numerology to determine who you secretly admire as your hero. It is simple math... even I can do it. Try it...It's remarkable  how accurate it is!

1)  Pick your favorite number between 1 and 8
2)  Multiply your choice by 3
3)  Add 3
4)  Multiply again by 3  
5) You'll get a 2 digit number.....maybe 42, for example
6) Add the digits together.  Example 4 plus 2 = 6 
Now that you have a single digit number. Scroll down and check the last box on the right side of the screen that is titled "List of Heros". Your number will indicate who your hero is..... mine was Albert Einstein....
As you were,


Linda said...

okay.... you rigged this, right??


Scott said...

I'm such a math geek I always work out the trick in my head before even trying it. If X is "your" number, then 9(X+1) is the 2-digit number. Then adding the digits will always give you 9. So yes, it is rigged.

But he's still our hero anyway, right? ;-)