Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Dyslexics of the World Untie
This is for the 100 out of 17 people, like me, who are dyslexic.  It took me several decades to even learn the correct spelling of that word and that I was actually one of their number.  In fact the word dyslexia wasn't even given to this learning quirk until I was almost out of high school.  
Thanks to Monty Wooley for sending this. I think it should hang on the wall of every grade school class room in the country. Only because my Dad was a educator and my Mom a creative genius did I make it through school not hampered by the "Stupid" label.  
I wasn't good at reading or spelling so they told me that I couldn't write. I wasn't great at math but aced Plane Geometry with no effort.  I could redraw most anything in front of me was good in acting class and I could make a puppet talk. All of this should have pointed any educator to the fact that I my abilities were not so easily quantified.  I was a fish that was being tested on climbing. 
Thanks to Mr. Einstein who also said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge" for putting it all in perspective. 
As you were,


Anonymous said...

As a teacher, I love this post. Kids are individuals and learn differently. The educational system didn't care about that for a century and kids who weren't successful with worksheets and desks in rows facing front were labeled as stupid or lazy and often dropped out. Today things are much better...and worse. Resources are available, laws mandate services, technology helps. On the other hand, individualized instruction is beyond overwhelming for teachers with huge class loads and tons of repetitive administrative paperwork. Many kids have figured out how to game the system, while others struggle and struggle to succeed. In my opinion, it comes down to the teacher. To quote Bob, it's my job, Jay. The teacher, the teacher, the teacher makes the difference. I have to love them, I have to know when to push and when to lighten up, I have to challenge each student where they are that given day. I have to. It's my job, Jay. Teachers work really hard. And most of us wouldn't trade it for anything.
Lisa Sweasy

Anonymous said...

Amen, Lisa! As both a public school teacher and university professor, I couldn't agree with you (and of course Prof. Einstein) more.

Jay, although I am not dyslexic, I certainly was saddled with the "stupid" label, beginning in second grade. Unfortunately, I ended up believing it for a long time. One of the main reasons why I became a teacher was to help my students never to experience what I did. Over the years, I've worked out my personal educational philosophy:

The word education comes from the Latin educare, which if taken literally, means to lead forth or bring out of. This implies that students already possess a unique essence, and it is the teacher’s responsibility to assist students to explore and realize their individual interests, talents, gifts, and potential. Thus, teachers must remain open to the mysteries of the individual learner and to the organic nature that is inherent in the classroom. In this way, we will help our students in agreeing with Walt Whitman: “I exist as I am. That is enough.”

Bob Conrad said...

Jay, from about 7th grade up every guidance councilor I met told me to buckle down, I had a good mind but wasn't working up to my potential, and that I would never make any money with those dolls. Nice hobby, not a career. Fortunately I didn't listen and have raised a family and supported myself for the last 40 some years with those dolls. I too am a fish out of water, but a happy one.