Monday, July 14, 2008

If this had been just another day off it would have been fantastic. In the words of my former backstage keeper, Julia, "I'm quite tired now and could do with a day off, but the rest of my life off seems a little excessive." More wisdom and wit from my friend and CSM. As much as I tried to pretend that this was just another day, that nagging dialogue inside my head kept pulling be back to a different situation.

I slept most of the day. It was beautiful and sunny when I walked to lunch/dinner. Blue skies, and the hint of rain is the normal but it seemed happier than most days. The little Thai restaurant which has become my favorite place to eat is actually not as far away from my apartment as I thought. Coming home I made the wrong turn and instead of 6 blocks away, it is actually only three. A day before I leave I realize where I am.

I certainly don't feel I know London like I came to know New York. It is not just the short length of time I spent here in comparison. New York is such a faster pace, you have to swim harder, you have to run faster, the energy is infectious. You have to get to know it quicker, for survival. There is much more of an excitement to New York, London is much to civilized. Their traditions slow them down to the way it was, not the way it is. If I had all the resources in the world, I might live here a couple of months a year, but I would be in New York all summer. I never felt so alive and so creative as when I was working and living in New York City. There was a blog on every corner. I turned into Damon Runyon just reporting on what I saw in New York.

Here I find myself enjoying the ride through the city, but there is absolutely nothing to inspire me to write about. I look around London and ideas start off like some history lesson. ie. "Today as we passed the Old English Roustabout House which was the site in 1630 of the Earl of Ducklingham's duel with the Duke of Chichesterfestringdom which ended as the future Kent of Clark stepped in and....." Know what I mean.

New York on the other hand, ie "Today as I walked past Time Square I recognized a homeless man having a detailed conversation with a trash can. It was a former investor in my original off Broadway workshop musical entitled, 'West Side Girl Walking East'. I wasn't sure it was him until he peed on my shoe, as he had done so many times before...."

At least at the theater I had Julia, Ruthie, and Nathan for inspiration. I think Ruthie felt like I was using her as a little too much inspiration. Once she found out that I was writing about her vacuum obsession, she asked if I could make her seem less "unique" in my blog. Dear Ruthie, I just write 'em like I sees 'em. I am just a humble observer of life, writing down what comes to me.

There was the discussion on the cans (headset to you American actors) between the three of them two nights ago trying to determine if Ruthie's eye shadow was regulation. Lime green sparkly eyeshadow seemed to cause Nathan trouble doing his job. I personally felt that since lime green is the color of Harry's suitcase and the "hue" of the show, not only was it regulation, it was inspired. The discussion ended when it was determined that her eyeshadow matched the boots Ruthie had worn that evening. Fashion trumps regulation anytime.

Then there was the word "Lettuce". I don't remember exactly how we ended up talking about it, but Ruthie said, "I like the word Lettuce. It feels so good to say it.... Lettuce. Don't you think so... say it Lettuce." I have to admit that it did not have the same thrill for me it does for her. However, I encouraged her to say it as often as she could just to make her mouth happy. She took that suggestion to heart. We got a call over the announcement system later that night which said, "This is your quarter lettuce call, fifteen lettuces till show time." I am thinking if Ruthie ever goes to New York and I can be a fly on the wall, I may be able to retire on the book I could write.
As you were,

1 comment:

  1. R,
    We had to stop by this Tuesday a.m. as we prepare to head to S'port to check on my Mom. We will return on Thursday afternoon and hope that there will be another message from our favorite R. Mandy says "lettuce" in a strange way that I think Ruthie would enjoy. I say it and it sounds like North Lousiana..."Let-us." Tomato/Tomahto...oh well. We send our love to you and keep looking arouond for stories as this old retired guy and his little TAOP just love to hear from you from wherever you may be.
    Carry on and safe travels....
