Saturday, October 14, 2006

I get a lot of questions from people who have seen the show. Since we only do talk backs once a week ( on Wednesdays after the show) and there are a lot of questions, here are some quick answers.

Walter – Real monkeys smell much worse.

Lucy - The Avenue Q joke is just that. Bob has not been messing around.

Ralph – Long John “the severed head” is definitely not your missing cousin.

Cynthia – Yes I am really married, yes very. No my wife is not open to suggestions.

Steve – Paul Krepple, my director, is not Eugene Levy. Eugene isn’t gay either.

Beatrice – A matinee means the show starts in the afternoon. I don’t do that.

Jacob – Ask your Dad before you try and make that talk.

Sigmond – Since it is the story of my life, I don’t think I copied your essay.

Wiz – Yes I know that’s the cue line. I got carried away.

As you were,


  1. Anonymous5:37 AM

    A good friend came to see the show last night after my suggestion - you see, his mother passed away last week. For 95 minutes he was able to forget about "things" and laugh. After the show he thanked me for urging him to come but really Jay, it's you who should be thanked. Your talent truly is a gift. You bring such warmth and joy to the stage every performance one can't help but be transported into your world. Your energy has infused the theatre with something we haven't had in a long time and I hope it never leaves. Thank YOU Jay!

    - TOO

  2. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I agree with the above comment -- your talent is a gift and everyone who comes within your aura is uplifted.

    Much like when Tinker Belle was dying and needed the applause of all the world believing in her to bring her back, we need to spread the energy of this show and Jay's performance far and wide for a world seriously in need of laughter, love and magic. I believe it is the show that Could, Wood, and Will. Fellow TAOists send forth the message and get folks to this show.

  3. Anonymous8:30 PM

    Heres the REAL question: Do you have an understudy?
