Friday, July 02, 2010

The RED Tweet
When the president of Russia had breakfast at the White House recently, he and President Obama held a news conference afterwards. In his opening statement Mr. Obama said that President Dmitry Medvedev had opened a Twitter account when he visited the silicon valley of California the week before. Pointing out that he, President Obama, also had a twitter account he suggested that they might now be able to follow each other and be finally remove the "red phones" from their offices.

This idea got me thinking. What if they did do away with the red phone and begin a summit tweet? I suppose we should get ready for a new way to view the world stage.

DMed@ twitter - just nvaded Georgia again. Now having a vodka.

YObama@twitter - OMG seriously??? WTF :-||

DMed@ twitter - LOL - just kidding about the Vodka. Georgia pissed me off.

YObama@twitter - AYSOS? PU

DMed@ twitter - BOB - this is our thing...

YObama@twitter - FC'INGO this is so Cold War...

DMed@ twitter - YYSSW - gotta go. country to run...

YObama@twitter -HOAS - :( we're not finished.

DMed@ twitter - ZZZZZ

I think an exchange like this would prevent a nuclear Holocaust and it can all be done from the PREZ blackberry.

I spent an entire class at the University of North Texas learning how to write a business letter. You had to pass that class to receive a business degree at the time. I suppose "multi-tasking your media stream" would be the new scholastic requirement.
"You kids get off my lawn..."
As you were,

1 comment:

Roomie said...

I have to tell you that I didn't understand any of the Twitter conversation....guess that's why I don't do it or have an IPhone. It says something for me and my age and how fast time does fly.....I think if you're happy doing what you're doing, then it doesn't really matter.....HAPPY 4TH of July to you all and don't par-tay too might have to go to work next week.....
Carry on,