Wednesday, September 17, 2008

From the Office of
Judge Gerald Thompson Hogart
1st District Court of Internet Appeals

J. Arthur Tildad
, Defendant
Editor at Large - The World is a Stage

Trunion Tilt
Capra, Copola, Kazan and Houston

Walter P. Helmhurst,
Hunt, Funt, Lunt and Cunningham Law Firm

Jay Johnson, plaintiff
writer of "The World is a Stage"
It is the order of this court that there be a 30 day cooling off period starting this the 17th (seventeenth) day of September in the year 2008 (Two thousand and eight) beginning at 9:00 AM Eastern standard time, and continue in effect until the 17th day of October of the same year.

During this time Mr. Johnson, here after known as the plaintiff, will be allowed to publish his writings on the blog known as "The World is a Stage" without censorship, redaction, omission, revision or judgment on the part of any editors or their legal representatives.

It is also ordered that during this time J. Arthur Tildad, here after known as the defendant, attend a humor management class and some sort of weight watchers program.

Neither the plaintiff nor the defendant is to have any contact whatsoever with any attorney who represents the law firms of Hunt, Funt, Lunt and Cunningham or Capra, Copola, Kazan and Houston during this cooling off period.

The blog will continue with daily humor from Jay Johnson.

Judge Gerald Thompson Hogart
1st District Internet Court of Appeals


Roomie said...

Well, Thank God!!!! Once again, "All is right with the world" and TWIAS least for now....
Carry on and Love from TAOTB&TAOP(who just gave a big sigh of relief!)

Kenny Croes said...

Yeah, but who's the guy who snared me into that Wintergreen Lifesaver/bleach experiment? The whole house smells like Ben Gay and I'm still picking chunks of candy out of my hair. (Note: If you try this at home, be sure to wear rubber gloves, a bicycle helmet and a hockey mask).