Thursday, July 10, 2008

Thanks to everyone who has sent emails and comments on the closing of the show.  I am blessed with so many friends.  Who can feel bad when you have friends and family like mine. The show is getting better and better this week. It is a pleasure to perform it even if only a few more times. 

I am fairly certain that the production here in London was under funded. Seems like the London group did not have their money together before we opened. I don't have any legal recourse, but I would think the other investors do. I found out the theatre rental has not been paid. I think in the US this is called fraud, but don't know the rules here.

We are at this point a hot show in London, and everyone assumes we are a hit. No show has ever closed with reviews and reception we have gotten for the 17 shows we have done here. I am at that point when I might write something that I might be sorry for saying. So rather than do that I will postpone the blog until tomorrow. I think I have some opening night pictures that might work as mug shots.
As you were,


Anonymous said...

Was that nice opening night suit paid for?


Anonymous said...

Happy birthday, Jay! Sorry things haven't gone as you'd hoped in my home country.

Bob Conrad said...

Happy Birthday Jay! The New York Times listed your birthday today, so you must be important. Sorry to hear the bad news in London, maybe some inteligent producer with a good cretit rating will realize what a great show you have and give the chance to grow.

Best always, your the best.
Bob Conrad

Anonymous said...

I was wondering the same thing about the suit . . .

I feel certain you will be back fairly soon in London with new producers and in a theatre free of the threat of sharing space with stored wheat.

Happy Birthday Brother!!

Roomie said...

What can we do to find REAL people with REAL British pounds who want this wonderful piece of theatre to continue or RETURN to London and bring some real entertainment to the U.K? I know they are out there.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, you young whippersnapper!!
Carry on,