Tuesday, September 26, 2006

The Wiz report for Tuesday.

I always look forward to a Tuesday night show. We've had our day off, we're energized, and we're looking forward to another exciting week. This Tuesday was no different. We have an incredibly exciting week ahead of us. You can definitely feel the energy. Tonight's audience was feeling that energy! They picked right up on it and laughed and applauded heartily throughout. I've done over 150 performances of this show, and I laughed like I've never laughed before. I'm not sure what it was, but Nethernore has been cracking me up. Spaulding was so excited to be back after a day off that he leapt right off the stage. A personal thank you to the patron who threw him back to Jay. I have a different relationship with Spaulding than I do with the other puppets, as I have been the one that controls his entrance. The crew and I will be working with Spaulding before Wednesday's show.

We must be coming up on cold and flu season, as again, someone sneezed during a quieter moment. Jay stopped and said "Bless you. People think I throw my voice and do that" making the audience (and me) laugh again.

Until the next one,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I'm the guy who threw Spaulding back to Jay last night. You're very welcome! When my wife and I got those seats we never quite expected to be a tiny part of the show. We actually waited after the show to meet you. It was amazing, my wife Missy and I will probably end up coming back to see it again.